Family Planning & Contraception
Finding a birth control method that is right for you and your stage of life takes time and discussion. At Hua Moon Women’s Health, we’ll help you find the best fit based on your lifestyle and family goals. We can provide birth control prescriptions, insert LARC (Long-Acting Reversible Contraception) such as arm implants and IUDs, and teach comprehensive “fertility awareness” for women desiring natural family planning.
Hua Moon also offers initial wellness visits for teens and young adults in order to provide an introduction to these topics in a non-judgmental, safe setting. When the time comes for them to make decisions about their sexual health, they are pre-informed and feel comfortable discussing their options with trusted providers.

Birth Control FAQ
What types of birth control are available?
There are many types of birth control to choose from:
- Hormonal contraception: includes birth control pills, patches, NUVA ring or the Depo shot.
- Non-hormonal contraception: includes condoms (both male and female), diaphragm or cervical cap, and “natural” family planning or withdrawal/“rhythm” methods.
- Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: includes IUDs (hormonal or non-hormonal) and Nexplanon arm implants, which can last for 3 to 10 years, depending on the method.
- Emergency contraception includes the Plan B pill or Paragard IUD birth control, which can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy. Emergency contraception is not intended to be used in place of regular birth control, and is not an abortifacient.
Additional birth control information and resources
Visit the following sites for more information about birth control
Undesired Pregnancy?
Pregnant and scared? Or just unsure of your options? Call Hua Moon at 808-631-2682 for a counseling appointment, and we will help guide and support you through all the choices available to you.